1. Such a brilliant and wonderful post. You rock. It sounds as though things are going really well. You know from the views you offer in your pictures how beautiful we think you are.
    HappyComeLucky recently posted…Weigh it upMy Profile

  2. I love the positivity in this post. You are beautiful and it makes me happy that you see it too, that you are so confident about it. It’s beautiful to read! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rebel xox
    Marie Rebelle recently posted…Dead WeightMy Profile

  3. […] Weight by Maria Opens Upย  This post is so incredibly positive that I think I should read it over and over and over for days to come. Maria also talks about photos and I just have to quote her: “And yeah, sometimes, I see myself in that photo and I cringe. I donโ€™t like the way I look. I feel like I loom so large over everyone else but god dammit, I am smiling, and that is what I want people, that is what I want myself, to see.” […]

  4. Thank you for the visit and comment on my blog. This week’s prompt has been difficult for many people. Being positive about weigh is so hard in the over saturated media stream that for the most part passes us by. Remember that only you can accept who you are.

  5. It is amazing how as you point out somethings are multi generational. Mine was similar with being to small, too weak etc. So of course i became a monster to prove them all wrong.
    Malflic recently posted…Heroin ThinMy Profile

  6. Thank you for this post… It was such a lovely sensitive piece of writing and I really appreciated your self care/compassion for you and your mum. Weight is such a tough issue for many of us, and one that has a way of catching you unawares as well. Whatever else is an issue for you, it is clear that you able to be strong, to learn, grow and resist the BS that the media sets in train for so many of us. Thanks again!

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