Ghost Light
Practically, a ghost light is a single bulb left lit on a stage after the show is over and the house cleared, so someone wandering in after hours doesn’t inadvertently fall into the orchestra pit. Superstitionally, it keeps old theatre ghosts at bay. Historically, it may refer to gas lamps burning low to relieve pressure … [Read more…]
I’ve always loved the dimple in my shoulder ever since my sister pointed out, when we were teens, that one of the background dancers in the “Gotta Dance” number from “Singin’ in the Rain” had a similar one. (We had a very intense Gene Kelly obsession at the time.) Obviously, I’ve acquired a few more … [Read more…]
February Photo Fest 2018 – Locked in the Mirror
Because of February Photo Fest, I’m scheduling several of these at once, using my computer, rather than my phone, which is my usual method for creating posts. On my phone, I generally use the Snapseed app to edit photos. There are a lot of options. On my computer, I’m limited to the built-in photo editor, … [Read more…]
February Photo Fest 2018 – Magic Mirror
This is a different version of one of the photos from one of my all-time favorite posts, Pearls, Mirror, Lipstick. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I love prompt weeks, and I was thrilled to see this week’s was “Mirrors“. I love mirrors, especially when they are attached to vintage furniture, and have happily incorporated them on a few other Sinful Sundays. I don’t think ‘cornice’ is the actual correct term for what I’m featuring in this photo. I think it … [Read more…]