Here is my entry for the September prompt of “Clothes on”. I realized, thinking of an idea for this post, that I’ve actually managed to include quite a few “clothes on” photos in past Sinful Sundays. I like the mystery of them, I think. I also like the added variety. There are only so many things I can make my body do, for photos, but with the addition of clothes, or props, the possibilities for shots become endless.
This particular photo came about due to the fortunate instance of a friend leaving his suit jacket at my house. Romance novels always include the heroine throwing on her lover’s shirt the morning after she unexpectedly slept with the hero. She invariably looks adorable swimming in his button down. Being a larger lady, I rarely swim in any guys clothes, and while I wouldn’t say I was swimming in this jacket, it’s big enough that I have a taste of that traditional romance novel situation. (Though with suit jackets, the heroine is usually draped in one because she’s cold, or stubbed her toe, or discovered a dead body. None of those things apply to me today).
f dot leonora
you are making me swoon weekly lady! xxx
Malin James
Oh wow…now *that’s* how you wear a suit jacket with nothing underneath. That’s so sexy, I have no words for it. You look amazing.
And on a side note, I love your blog’s new look too! Sexy and classy – like the woman behind it! xxx
Malin James recently posted…Sinful Sunday: The Classic
Thanks Malin! *blush*
As for my blog, all credit goes to @domsigns (with design advice from Molly). I can’t say enough about how awesomely helpful he was. I feel like a have a real blog now instead of just a haphazard experiment.
Oleander Plume
Gorgeous as always, love the soft texture and the way the image is cropped in tight. Black and white was perfect for this, your skin is glowing!
Really breathtaking!
Oleander Plume recently posted…His Shirt
Thank you Oleander!
You look the part of the heroine, or at least your cleavage does. I’m sure before the days over you’ll stumble across a dead body or get caught in a sudden downpour that would explain you wearing the leading mans suit jacket
Ha! Thank you! I will report back on the dead body situation. 🙂
Kilted Wookie
I simply love this image. It pushes pretty much everyone of my buttons.
Kilted Wookie recently posted…Denim…
You do look rather fetching! 🙂
I love how the dark jacket creates a perfect frame for your cleavage, hinting at your nakedness but not revealing
Molly recently posted…Never enough
very sexy!
Very professional!
Just beautiful!
sub-Bee recently posted…Sexy in Denim
Larry @ Cougars365
WOW… this picture is absolutely stunning! You look fabulous in his jacket! LOVE this photo!
The Other Livvy
Oh wow…this is stunning! The B+W makes your skin look so beautiful and, my gosh, you have a great cleavage! I think this is my favourite shot this week, outstanding photo! Xxx
The Other Livvy recently posted…The stranger…
Another beautiful photograph from you! xx
Exposing40 recently posted…A White Shirt
Jack (and Jill)
Beautiful! I love the way you wear that jacket, and the placement of your hand adds some extra suggestive sexiness.
Jack (and Jill) recently posted…Sinful Sunday: Hazy