1. Really interesting post. I was at a talk this weekend at WOW about ‘big beautiful women’ (the speakers objected to the title, hence my inverted commas) and one of the things that came up was the issue of spade on public transport and how women are judged and judge themselves in a way a man never would. Sorry you had a horrid start to your day, but yes – keep talking about the small things. Xx
    Exposing40 recently posted…WOWMy Profile

  2. You do not take up too much space. You do not take up too much space. You do not take up too much space.

    You, with your beauty and your wonderful nature worry too much about being too much. You know what, you might be a big lady but I can guarantee your knees don’t stick out further than a six-foot passengers. I can almost guarantee that they don’t try to shrink the space they take. It’s so hard to break the cycle of trying to minimise the space, minimise the fuss, minimise the presence but you know what, no-one breaks when you do break that cycle. Maybe give yourself a challenge to just take your space for one journey. I’d love to know how it goes and even more than that, I’d love to cheer you on as you do it.

    PS. I’ve been being more assertive with my own space on public transport.
    HappyComeLucky recently posted…May I?My Profile

    • This is an absolutely beautiful comment!! Thank you so much Honey! Of course, you are right! And you really illustrate it perfectly by comparing it to a tall person. I like your challenge! I’m going to try it tonight on the way home.

  3. Ooo Maria!
    What these ladies said!
    I know how this feels, trying to shrink to nothing… sweat and panic beading… I wish I could offer advice from me but I can’t as I sat next to horror guy for four hours without just saying, excuse me I need to move to another seat far away, from YOU! ?
    You are the perfect size for you and you inhabit the perfect space ?

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