OMG . . . this is brilliant !!!
So clever . . . I love this . . . it has certainly lit up my day!!!
Xxx – K Modesty Ablaze recently posted…Modest Date Night #sinfulsunday
This is actually an idea I have had bubbling in my brain for a while now. You, however, executed it with real style. Once I find the right lamp shade I will attempt my own version but this, really does stand out to me, as being something inspiring and aspiring
Amazing photo. Well done, Maria.
Elliott recently posted…FROM BELOW… Big Toe Photo
Beautiful! 🙂
SilverDom recently posted…SinfulSunday: A Piece of Me: Pt. 2
I think this should be in an art museum!
Jo recently posted…Back Seams
Hope you won’t be angry if I steal this idea from you, for a future shot! 😉 ~C
Camille recently posted…Guiding Hands
I would love it if you did!
Modesty Ablaze
OMG . . . this is brilliant !!!
So clever . . . I love this . . . it has certainly lit up my day!!!
Xxx – K
Modesty Ablaze recently posted…Modest Date Night #sinfulsunday
Ha! Thanks 🙂
That made me grin! Great shot ☺
Very original image and a heavenly body. I love it!! xx
Heelsnstocking recently posted…Sinful Sunday – DP
Thank you!
This is actually an idea I have had bubbling in my brain for a while now. You, however, executed it with real style. Once I find the right lamp shade I will attempt my own version but this, really does stand out to me, as being something inspiring and aspiring
Molly recently posted…The Truth of Me
Thanks Molly! I was staying with a friend this weekend who is really into vintage furniture. When I saw this lamp in my guest room, I couldn’t resist.
This is just a fucking brilliant photo!! Xx
Exposing40 recently posted…Touch
f dot leonora
you always come up with something artistic and brilliant!!!
f dot leonora recently posted…Sinful Sunday, Week 277: F to Coney Island
Cammies on the Floor
Such an awesome and creative photo
Cammies on the Floor recently posted…Purple Room with Purple Hair
I love your header image. Its sensual and seductive without cliche or blatancy.
This is brilliant, this is art!!
sub-Bee recently posted…A handful
Marie Rebelle
This is Art. Pure Art!
Rebel xox
Marie Rebelle recently posted…Tree-Hugger
Hope Always
I love this image. I really like the composition of this, all the tones merge to give it a vintage look.
Haha. I have an idea. What that would be a balloon.
I love this!
Zoë recently posted…wordplay