A friend of mine, between jobs and between cities, has been staying with me for the last few months. While it’s been lovely to chat with someone in the evenings and have a person there when I got home from work, I’ve lived happily alone for the last three years. So when I dropped my friend off at the airport this morning for the next leg of their adventure, I was pretty excited to get back to my own, blessedly empty, house.
That’s where the idea for the following photos came from. A bit of celebrating in my now empty spare room. But once I started jumping on that lumpy old bed, I couldn’t stop. It was *so* much fun! No wonder kids are constantly getting in trouble for it.
The first photo is the clearest one I got. I forgot to change the settings to action shot, but I loved the way this one turned out. However, I absolutely had to post the others because they capture how much pure fun I was having.
Next time you have a chance, I’d definitely recommend a little jumping on the bed!
For more fun, click the kiss.
f dot leonora
this is awesome–are you doing Molly’s Feb Photo Challenge?
f dot leonora recently posted…Masturbation Monday No. 74
That really does look like fun 😀
Dawn recently posted…February Photofest – Day 1
Too funny!
H.H. recently posted…Bad Day at Work
The Other Livvy
Oh my gosh, these are amazing!! So much height on those leaps, I’m really impressed! Xxx
The Other Livvy recently posted…Sinful Sunday: Shower…
Thank you!
Exhibit A
I’m SO glad you went with these! That’s also some serious hangtime you’re getting on those jumps – just very sexy all round!
Thanks! All about tucking the feet, and the Bluetooth shutter remote I found. 🙂
That looks like so much fun!
sub-Bee recently posted…A surprise
This is absolutely awesome. Pure delight!
HappyComeLucky recently posted…Take me to where I need to be.
Melina Greenport
HappyComeLucky took the words out of my mouth: so delightful!
Melina Greenport recently posted…Three Memories of Condoms
Tabitha R
Oh how joyful!!! Love these so so much x x
Tabitha R recently posted…Don’t Make Me Wait
So much fun being had!!! these are amazing!
hahah thanks for posting this it looks so fun
SexyLittleIdeas recently posted…shady – sexylittleideas
These are pure magic in my opinion. I love the 3rd one down, the way the light as caught your movement is just brilliant
Molly recently posted…Don’t make me wait
Thanks so much Molly!!!
Love these!!! OMG you are too cute!
Ooooh, this must have come in after I did my commenting last week and then I went off on work trip first thing Monday. This is utterly utterly fabulous! Xxx
Exposing40 recently posted…Angles
Thank you!!