1. Bravo lovely lady… I am literally sitting here cheering for you. This is an amazing post and love how you talk about your journey to the place you are now and the joy you have found as a result. Just brilliant


  2. A story to warm the soul! So happy that you’ve found yourself in such a (sex-)positive, proactive, life-affirming way over the last 12 months, and I hope the fun continues well into 2015. Really hot photo too…you look so wonderfully *hungry*…

  3. I love this – I thought I’d found something similar, and sadly, right now I feel like all the hard work I’ve put in to get to a similar position over the last couple of years has been eroded in recent months and I’m back to square one. I’m so pleased you’re happy and confident though – not to mention incredibly beautiful. I wish I was tweeting at the moment so I could share this too – next month, hopefully xx

    • Thank you so much, Charlie! I’m sorry you’ve been struggling lately. Like I said, there’s no one thing I can point to that helped me and any comment I made about it this minute would likely ring hollow anyway. I do know (from your words and pictures) that you are beautiful and thoughtful and passionate and smart. Whatever your key (or ring of keys) to feeling better looks like, I hope you’ll find it in 2015.

  4. I don’t know how I missed this back in January, but this is a fantastic metamorphosis, Maria! Reading your story made me want to stand up and cheer, I am so happy you have found your sexy side.

    You never cease to amaze me!


    • Thanks so much! I’m still definitely on a journey and some days are more triumphant than others but it sure felt good to post that and mean it. Definitely inspired by everyone in this community, including beautiful you. 🙂

  5. Jose

    Beautiful picture. Is that really you? Your eyes seem deaply loving and tasteful. Thank you for the post you made me cum thinking I was looking into your eyes.

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