1. I love this, I find myself starting into it trying to work out how you did it. I guess you stood on the bed? But how did you mount the camera above you? I would lovely to know more….Have you thought of flipping it too, I am curious what it would look like then as well?

    In the colour version I love the soft gentle pickness to your lips and the subtle tones of skin colour but the black and white is dramatic and strong and the ouline of your breasts is perfect. Such an exciting picture.


    • Thanks Molly! I’ve actually just been using my phone for these so I taped it to the ceiling above my bed with scotch tape (the kind you wrap presents with). I hadn’t thought of flipping the image but I’ll have to try that, would be interesting on the side or flipped 180 it would look more like diving.

  2. sub-Bee

    I keep flicking between the images but can’t pick a favourite, they’re both brilliant in different ways.

  3. This is beautiful! I really love both versions – your breasts catch the eye in the black and white version, while it’s your lips (the same shade as the sheets) that appeal in the colour.

    xx Dee

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