Because of February Photo Fest, I’m scheduling several of these at once, using my computer, rather than my phone, which is my usual method for creating posts. On my phone, I generally use the Snapseed app to edit photos. There are a lot of options. On my computer, I’m limited to the built-in photo editor, which doesn’t have as many options. (Yes, I know, I could download an app or program to the computer, but I’m probably going to go back to my phone after February, and it’s a crunch to get even this much done, to be honest). In addition, I’m dealing with lesser-quality photos as these are all a year or two or three old and I was taking photos with a lower quality camera/phone. So, the editing has been interesting. Still, I think I am making it work.
From this photo shoot came a Sinful Sunday that I really liked – Cornice. I don’t believe this take is as interesting as the original, but I do like it.
Jack Collier
Great candid shot. Love the reflected curves. ❤❤❤
Mrs Fever
If it’s any help, you can use free online photo editors like Lunapic instead of pay-apps if you want to edit or watermark without fuss. 🙂
Mrs Fever recently posted…I put my pants on…
Thanks! I’ll have to check them out.
Catherine Martinique
ohhh I really like this …. the curves of the mirror and the pose of your body…wonderful
Marie Rebelle
This is a brilliant image. Absolutely minimalist but oh so sexy!
Rebel xox
Marie Rebelle recently posted…Mountains
High Seas & Layers #SoSS #16 - Rebel's Notes
[…] minimalist photo by Maria Opens Up is absolutely gorgeous. She might be Locked in the Mirror but she looks so damn […]