From the archives, but never used.
I am so happy that I decided to do February Photo Fest! I wasn’t sure I could do it, but I did and it feels so good. It was also great to go back and look at all the photos I’ve taken over the years. It’s been inspiring, as has seeing photos from everyone else. Thanks everybody!
Mrs Fever
I’m glad you participated!
I had several images saved (or so I thought) over 2017, and then I had a tech disaster and lost them all at the end of the year, so I kind of had to start over at the last minute. (Or what felt like ‘the last minute’ to me, anyway!) I envy your ability to look back over the years’ worth of images. 🙂
Mrs Fever recently posted…Close your eyes…
It’s one advantage to being the digital packrat that I am. I’ve got an external hard drive and save to the cloud under my pseudonym’s email account as well. That always makes me a bit nervous, but…
Marie Rebelle
I have enjoyed the images you have shared during this month. Congratulations on posting every day 🙂
Rebel xox
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