It’s state fair season around these parts, and I thought you might enjoy a bit of award winning, grade A, free-range, prime choice for this Sinful Sunday prompt week. She’s finely muscled, well-marbled, corn(and wine)-fed; from hearty stock.
It’s Sinful Sunday. Click the kiss to see what else the beautiful B has inspired.
I would have given Best of Show! Hey, that starts with a ‘B’!
Elliott recently posted…‘B’ is for… ?
Ahh brilliant Elliott ? ?
Love this photo Maria! Best in show indeed!
I *love* rosettes. I was a terrible rider with a very bad pony but they felt sorry for me one time and gave us a blue rosette. ?
Best day ever
Tabitha recently posted…Brit Boys with Toys
I enjoyed this image very much ?
Delightfully cheeky photo! Great idea – sexy and so fun.
Jo recently posted…Blindfolded
Brilliant. Just brilliant!
Exposing40 recently posted…Beehive
LOL! This is brilliant!
Jack Collier
cool, beautiful, and cute, I love this
Jack Collier recently posted…Hotel California
I think it is a well deserved award for a very fine specimen indeed
Molly recently posted…Summer’s Blood
I love this! Very clever. You make that ribbon look good!
Jezebel recently posted…Sinful Sunday – My Favorite Bra
This made me giggle, brilliant!
Bee recently posted…I will bleed for you
Candy Snatch
This is so cheeky I love it! X
Marie Rebelle
Gorgeous and fun. Such a nice combination!
Rebel xox
Marie Rebelle recently posted…True Blood
Blue Ribbon indeed! And Elliott is right about Best in Show!
Great photo!
Jaime recently posted…Humiliation of an ex-Nazi submissive 128: Squat thrusts
That’s awesome. There’s nothing sexier than a confident woman
February Photo Fest 2018 - First Place - Maria Opens Up
[…] to illustrate a story, set during the State Fair, that I never finished writing. Maybe someday. The original Sinful Sunday was a close-up, probably because I was nervous about the full-body shot. (Definitely a theme for my […]