1. Oh, Maria. This is such a strong, nearly brutal take on Hester’s A. I love how it can be read two ways – as a defiance and as a reminder of the progress we still have yet to make. The way you conveyed the gravity of that message in those slashing red lines on your body is brilliant.
    Malin James recently posted…Sinful Sunday: ArchitectureMy Profile

    • Oh thanks so much Malin! I was worried that I hadn’t researched the book and Hester’s legacy enough to do the image justice. Also having so much to say and not sure I was getting it all out coherently. So, so pleased that the message came through. Thank you!!
      MariaSibylla recently posted…AMy Profile

  2. This is a very thought provoking post, I love the idea that the letter A, in this context, can be used to represent pride and not shame.

    Molly recently posted…AppleMy Profile

  3. Great photo and nice to have something that has real thought and meaning. There’s a quote that says a great photograph should leave you thinking, and I think this one fits that idea…

  4. Great photo and nice to have something that has real thought and meaning. There’s a quote that says a great photograph should leave you thinking, and I think this one fits that idea…

  5. First, this is a lovely image. Second, this post is one I will visit again.

    This paragraph I read over and over, and many thoughts came to mind:
    “I’m proudly wearing the A. I’m smiling in the photo, though it wasn’t captured in this edit. I’m thrilled to be able to sleep with who I want, how I want. Giddy to share this information with friends (albeit receptive ones). Excited to be owning my body, my sexuality. Eager to learn what I like and grateful for the fact that I have the freedom and space to figure it out. Of course I know this isn’t the case for many still, and I’m aware of my privilege here.”

    Rebel xox
    Marie Rebelle recently posted…Toy Box: Day CollarMy Profile

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