Here’s another one that I don’t think I’ve used before. I *think* it was originally taken for someone I was flirting with over text. But I may have liked it so much that I did use it in a Sinful Sunday and forgot what it was called. This exercise has made me realize the importance of tags that describe the photo, rather than just words I think people might be looking for. This photo has made me realize it might be time to grow my hair out again.
Kilted Wookie
You look wonderfully relaxed and very inviting.
Kilted Wookie recently posted…Cuppa
John Brownstone
Lovely repose
Indigo Byrd
I agree look very relaxed – Your hair is amazing!
Indigo Byrd recently posted…FBF2018 #12 Artistic Collaboration
Oh very sexy! ?
I love your hair like this!
Marie Rebelle
You really look lovely!
Rebel xox
H.H. & Lola
Well, good morning!
I love your hair in this image x
LittleSwitchBitch recently posted…Day 16 – FebPhotoFest
Elliott Henry
Oh, Maria, so sexy. I’d love a text like that any day.
Elliott Henry recently posted…FebruaryPhotoFest2018… Day Sixteen